It rained off and on all last night but this morning hinted that if I just stepped out of the Wallowa River valley tucked into the mountains there might be some photographer’s delight of the ridges and summits playing hide and seek with the drifting clouds. Taking my trusty land dinghy I headed out into the basin and didn’t get very far. I was spot on. The clouds, sunlight and the peaks were putting on a post storm show that kept me dancing behind the lens. I swung up toward the road to Hurricane Creek and stopped on the shoulder of the rural road of ranch land. I braced myself against a telephone and fired one frame after another as the eye candy of lights and shadows did magic with the rock faces and snowfields. I kept saying, “ENOUGH! STOP SHOOTING!!” I would get back into my VW and start the engine then glance at the front range doing its thing again. Saying “Ah, shit!” found me back leaning against the telephone again with the camera pressed to my face. I love watching the weather changes and again am torn between allowing the transition of the conditions permeate me or to witness it from behind a viewfinder. I don’t think I’ll ever reach a place of well being in the struggle for balance.
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