Yes, Ron’s Circle Tour ended on October 18th but the trip continues on. Because my house sitters have had troubles finding a house to buy that they liked, I stayed in my RV home on a vacant lot in La Conner. I would go to my “other home” to exchange summer clothes for winter ones being neither here nor there.
However luck still is carrying over from the journey. The day I got off the road the ignition switch on the VW went out. (The land dinghy didn’t like being pulled 16,000 miles with the ignition switch on. It’s sort of like the light switch being half way between “off” and “on”.) The real thrill was driving at night and having the headlights go out and getting back to home base only by holding the lever in that controls the high/low beams. Nice timing.
Or how about this one: two weeks from getting off the road I got stomach cramps. Now what could this be? Two days into it I had it checked out. The medical center would not let me go home; so while the rest of you watched Obama become President of this great land of ours, I lay on the operating table having my appendix removed. Talk about luck. Better at home then in Dickinson, North Dakota a month earlier. Again I count my blessings. But wait, there’s more: while in the hospital going through post-op, my heart went into atrial fibrillation with a little flutter thrown in, which is not unusual for me. I do this once a month for a few hours then back into the swing of cardiac bliss, but after two days of no “bouncin’ and behavin’” the doctor said let’s sock it to him. So down to the paddle room I was wheeled and up on the table for “cardioversion” – shock the shit out of the old boy. Lucky me that they put me under for five minutes while they stopped and restarted the pump system. The EKG readout strip shows it all; aint got no rhythm to BANG to singin’ like a choir. Sure felt great when I came out from the sleep cloud.

Now I’m back in my RV again recovering and waiting to complete the long glide into my man cave, my retreat, my house. Until I can sleep in my own bedroom in my own bed, I’m still on the road after eight months. I’m hoping for this weekend.
For my next adventure in Snee-Oosh watch for my trip down to the California coast over Christmas. It’s called “The Sea Ranch Romp.” There’ll be six of us traveling in the old RV for three days in winter to spend the holidays with friends. It WILL be fun.
Bye All
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