Houses and lakes have a hard time coexisting. What to do with the sewer system so it doesn’t pollute the lake water? Ann, after much work, finally got approval for her composting toilet – the first in the county. After six years, it needed a new electric fan unit and it so happened that Ann had the replacement sitting in the bathroom waiting to be installed. So Ann read the instructions and I pulled wire connections off the back of the large unit. We worked a while, took a break, worked a while and took a break. As we took our lake breaks we reminisced and caught up on our lives. She had been a pivotal person in my life. I had left a teaching career Seattle and was on a seek. She was a beacon. She had two young daughters who became my daughters. I learned family from her. As we talked I realized how much I missed my own daughters. How a wave of homesickness washed over me.
However the highlight of the day was when the switch was thrown and the fans came on and the heating coil light and the stirring motor groaned.
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