The drive down Idaho’s Lochsa and Clearwater Rivers from Lolo Pass was the best river canyon driving I’ve done on this trip. There is constant weaving in and out requiring a focus on speed and cornering backed by superb views of the river. Because the 178 miles takes about 3 and half hours from Lolo to Lewiston, I took two days to do it. In the future I would do this trip the same: going from east to west because it is all a downhill run which Snee-Oosh appreciated.
Upon reaching the combined cities of Lewiston and Clarkston (Idaho and Washington) I was amazed at the very steep long climb out of the L-C Valley onto the Palouse Plateau and into a totally world – a world of wheat.
A sweep in all directions to the rolling horizon took in recently harvested wheat acreage and fields in fallow. Thirty minutes of driving took me through two small towns before entering Pullman, home of Washington State University, friends and relatives. Pat Cruver, my thirty six year friend, let me setup moorage on the street in front of his house. From Pat’s house I went to my cousin Mac’s house to meet my other cousin, Jon, who I last saw fifty-five years ago at an Indiana reunion. It was catch-up time. I don’t have much contact with relatives outside of my immediate family so talking with Jon about family memories was rewarding.
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