Our language has definite drawbacks. It is way too limited in trying to express feelings or a way, right? Or is it left? When I was young, the question we would ask each other was “Which did you love more Dad or Mother?” It was a no win question. I had so much love for my Dad and it was different than the deep love I had for my Mother. I would become so frustrated because there was only one word -love.
If a coin had “Love” engraved on one side, “Judgment” would be engraved on the other. If the word “love” were used, a “judgment” usually came with it. A “good,” “bad,” or “neutral” feeling was soon to follow. “Judgment” means that there is some type of ownership and expectation shackled to it. The mind needs to have labels to feel safe and guarded. If only we as individuals could break that judgment shackle, we would be a freer people.
Yesterday a family pulled into the wooded campground several locations down from mine. The dad walked by my place and the judgments jumped up like targets in a midway shooting gallery. He was wearing desert camouflage shorts, tattoos and a true Mohawk on his thirty something bald head. Judging, judging. When I went to bed, I glanced down the road and there in front of his campsite was an American flag on a pole with a spotlight shining on it. And here again the trap is set. What is love? Is his love of country different then mine? Is it stronger? Is it better? The judging in the realm of my standards of expectations slams me to the ground. I’m caught. I am blinded as to what I think is right. My love values are up again his. It is a no win. And the only way out is to tell the mind that judging is not the right path. Acceptance is.
When a man does not wear a miniature America flag on his suit lapel, is his love of country a source of question? Expectations are challenged. The “judgment” side of the coin is shiner than the “love” side. Right/wrong takes power when the mind wants to judge and label so it can feel secure. Whether a man puts a spotlight on the American flag at night at his campsite or a man does not wear a lapel American flag pin, is not the question of who or how much a person loves his country but that he is there and he is proud and his love is shown in different ways and we as follow citizens of this dear country of ours accept them for who they are and not judge them in our minds.
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