It rained and drizzle all morning and then the fog moved in. Should I venture out? I was hoping to get information from the campground ranger station about the summit of Cadillac Mountain. No answer from the folks at the top but one of the rangers had just arrived from the “busy” side of the island and reported everything was clear except the last few miles to the campground. That was enough for me to set off in my VW to burn some petro to get to the summit of the “highest mountain on the east coast of North American” at 1,528 feet!?! When I arrived at the top, at least 300 of my friends were already their enjoying the view to Mount Katahdin inland but the fog still covered the ocean up to the shoreline.
On the way back to my fog shrouded home base, I stopped at an art show on the lawn in Southwest Harbor and saw the best watercolor painting I have ever seen. It was of two schooners at anchor at sunset; only $550; artist Carol Sebold. From one financial extreme to the other I saw on a storefront bulletin board an announcement of a bake bean and hot dog dinner at the American Legion Hall up the side street. What a way to meet the locals and help the local economy. If I couldn’t afford the painting, at least I could spring for a $7 supper. It was fun to sit in a corner of the basement of the hall and people watch. It looked just like a spaghetti dinner at the McLean Fire Hall; deeply tanned faces and white baldheads of lobstermen; beards and kids; Coast Guard families and old friends greeting and hugging. Good bake beans – two different kinds.
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