Again the value of talking to the locals is unsurpassed for information. Just happened to strike up a conversation with campground people. “Oh, you have to and see the new Penobscot Narrows Bridge up at Bucksport and Fort Knox, too!” The old Highway 1 suspension bridge over the Penobscot River was suddenly found to be unsafe for the loads it was carrying to the point that alternating one lane traffic was the only way to get across the river. In 42 months they built a “single plane cable-stay (Spider Web) bridge” And for kicks they put an observatory at the top of one of the pylons. You can (for $5) ride to the top 42 stories above the river then walk up a glassed in staircase three more flights to below the flashing light on top of the tower. Amazing fun and there are only three such bridges in the world that have observatories one is right here in River City, ah make that Bucksport, ME.
My day ended being brought down to earth by a conversation that I had in front of the campground restrooms. A woman passed me on her way to taking a shower and said something, I don’t recall what, but what ensued was a tale of hardship that she was experiencing. I stood and listened and affirmed her difficulty. She was a medical lab tech and wanted to go to med school. After researching the field decided to attend a medical school in the Caribbean. The school said that they had 90% placement in internships; after four years, she got her M.D. license. But no one would take her in the US because her schooling did not qualify. Being in her mid forties and way in school debt she turned to her old profession and returned to working in the labs. She was so bitter. She said that she was addressed as “doctor” and now she was a lab tech and now on one knew her. I count my blessings.
Hi Ron:
It was so nice meeting you at the campground at Bradbury Mt. State Park. I wish we could have met earlier to share more talk and pictures. Jeanne and I are following you along on your blog and have read quite a bit backwards on it and hopefully will eventually read it all. What an adventure. We also realized that we were stomping again on the same grounds as we were in Rockland and Belfast on the same days that you were there. Were also glad that you checked out all the sites that we suggested. Anyway we realize that your a very busy man and may your good health and happiness continue.
Neil and Jeanne MacDonald
711 Coldbrook Rd.
Hermon, Me 04401-1308
Thanks Neil and Jeanne for your kind words. Yes, I need to act more engaging rather than staying in my RV banging on the computer only to strike up a conversation with my neighbors just as they are breaking camp.
I enjoyed meeting and talking with you both.
For now I've moved north to Acadia Nat'l Park for awhile then over the line into our next door neighbor's yard. The Canadians are great folks and are more outward going than I. Maybe I can learn to meet and greet the proper way.
Cheer, Ron
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