We were moving into a foreign land from Calais, Maine to St. Stephens, New Brunswick, Canada. Our first indication that things would be different was sighted at the long lines at the American gas stations with New Brunswick license plates. The price on the board read: $3.96/ gallon - $1.04/ liter. After a ten minute wait to cross the river bridge into St. Stephen, we saw why. Gas was $1.34/ liter or $5.09/ gallon - $1.13 difference. The two weeks traveling in Canada was going to be very expensive for the fuel.
Another trouble also popped in St. Stephens –The Chocolate Festival was in full swing. I have a terrible sweet tooth and with Melanie on board I was hoping that her influence would help me curb it. No such luck. She was on that festival like a chocolate coating on an almond. She was on absolutely no help in my addiction. We emerged from the Ganong Brothers Chocolate Factory with such a load that even Charlie would have been embarrassed.
We finally broke out of town and traveled north putting us at Fundy National Park for the night. The next day we would move cross the Confederation Bridge into Prince Edward Island or PEI as you hear throughout Canada.
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