In the early morning it poured down rain. I wanted to dance inside the RV because before now when it rained, I’d just stay inside my sleeping bag inside the tent looking for leaks. I kept yelling out, “Yes, LET RAIN!!” The weather broke and I longed to stay but pulled up the anchor and headed down the causeway. In this case under a tunnel of oak trees.
Getting around Houston was an absolute drag. I took a four lane belt highway with traffic lights. Every five miles it was the same stupid mall layout with the same franchised stores; Target, Best Buy, Mc Donalds, Home Depot, etc, etc, etc. Our people have let corporate American "neuter-ize" our cities and towns. They are now all the same coast to coast…………
Finally after six hours of heavy traffic driving, I saw a huge arching bridge mounting up t from the flatland. Could it be? Yes, the famous “Intracoastal Waterway” aka; “The Ditch” running the entire length of the eastern seaboard. Up the bridge incline old tired Snee-Oosh pulled and there as far as my eye could see were breakers. I had reached the Atlantic four weeks after I left the Pacific in San Diego.
I was dumbfounded to see houses built right up to the surf line. Plus new ones underway. We are such a greedy, self centered, non thinking species. DID NOT KATRINA TEACH ANYONE ANYTHING??
Putting that all aside I entered my tiny county park located on the tip of a long, wide sand spit with saltwater on three sides. I’ve tied up the mooring lines for a three day stay. It is a sweet location and what a contrast to what I left this morning. See Link for more photos. I can hear ole Glen Campbell singing Galveston, Oh, Galveston….
Time for supper. Tomorrow’s a big day. I explore the island city.
Hi Ron,
It sounds like you are enjoying the trip - will you stay along the intracoastal waterway to Florida? Hear Mississippi delta blues? A bunch of us are going to see the Dalai Lama in a couple days We'll send you metta blessings from there! Enjoy each moment.
Many kindnesses,
Spud says, 'that's not the atlantic ocean, that's the gulf of mexico', but JC says, 'who's to say where we divide what, for what reason??' Spud wants to know, 'how many dogs have peed on your hub cabs since you left'? Spud humor. : ) JC wants to know, 'what's the fish fare from the gulf?'
I'm going to play music with Joan Carr Shimer soon.
Love from us...
Hi Ron,
I'm thinking of you as I go out to mow my long, lucious lawn with the rich, mineral-packed deer poop on it.
With best regards from the Columbia River region...
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