Time to get up and move again. I need to have several days like yesterday strung together. I can really tell that I’m in the southern latitudes!! It gets dark at 8 – not 9:30 – and the sun rises at 7 – not 5:30. By 8:30 I’m on the road wishing not to challenge the traffic around Houston. I drove by the Johnson Space Center with a twinge of regret that I wasn’t going to stop and see it. I had heard it was pretty cool. “Houston, we’ve got a problem.” The highway east all the way to the Texas border and fifty miles into Louisiana was nerve racking and damaging to both me and my transportation. Construction forced you to drive on two lane stretches with jersey barriers forming a deep narrow channel with no escape places. Picture of horror: semi behind you, semi on your left; semi in front of you with everyone doing sixty miles an hour with only inches separating you and high wall concrete wall on your right side and moving metal on your left. Just everyone focus on your lane and no one freak out and we’ll all get through this.
Then if that were not enough mile after mile of bone jarring concrete seams in the freeway. Poor Snee-Oosh; poor Ron.
After eight hours of road time (I hit 4000 miles at the end of the day!!), I pulled into a sleepy little state park 40 minutes south of the freeway and stopped. Thank god I made it. It was a long day. Lake Fausse Pointe is on a massive lake about fifty miles from the ocean. Here I rest.
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